Wednesday, March 2, 2016



Everytime I hear the word HUKKA, the sole factor that involves my mind is that the sound it produces.It is our terribly own ancient smoking mechanism and has been in use for generations for tobacco consumption. It consists of three main parts: HUKKA, CHILIM, and a PIPE.
 the highest most half consists of  CHILIM that may be a deep and circular instrumentality having a seperate inner section to position tobacco. The tobacco is then coated by coals on the highest to slowly burn it. the center half is that the HUKKA that intern are often divided into two components i.e a protracted slender body that helps the smoke to pass below and a water stuffed vessel at rock bottom. As HUKKA doesn't have a correct filter, it's the water within the vessel that acts collectively by attracting all the impurities to itself.The third half is that the PIPE connected to HUKKA that is employed to inhale the filtered smoke that comes out.
But with increasing use of manufactory created cigarettes, less accessibility and high risk to health; HUKKA consumption this has now-a-days solely become a supply of delight activity.

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